2 router wired/wireless to get secure network

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Hi there

Heres the setup
Got Broadband WIRED into a wireless router on one of these ports of the router is another wireless router which is WIRED.
(Due to us having 5 acres we needed to extend range, this is why the 2 routers have been used). The first router is a Tp-link and the other is a d-link, is that helps.

This setup has enabled internet usage to both areas of our land to wired and wireless computers untill i tried secure our network. When i secured it only one part of our land recieves acces to internet the other seems as if its getting blocked out for some reason.

Sooo my question is, can somebody please explain how to get both areas of my land allowing SECURE internet acces?

Attached picture is my computer setup, this as you can probally see is very very quick. We also have some printers coneccted to location 1 router if that matters.

Thanks Jordan


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Firstly go back and check everything you've done to secure your network, I suppose this was done on the wireless router connected to the WAN device. But what about the far-off wireless router, it also requires configuration.
A wireless router is in effect a wired router with an access point.
So you have two access points on your network. Can the wired PC and wireless PC on the far-off network ping each other?
See if you can find any resource of an access point connecting to an access point, you're probably just missing a setting somewhere on your router.
I also use a wireless network with a wireless router and these things can be temperamental, sometimes the wireless PC cannot connect to the wireless router, then it requires a tickle to go on.
you are going to have subnet issues with this setup

location2 machine's won't be able to talk to location1 machines
Funny enough, from some resource on the internet it seems very possible to do so.
Spitso, I'm sure you will end up with ample fiddling, but should succeed.
Check out the following links, they should provide you with some detail/answers/ideas.



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Searchnetworking.com also seem to have a solution, but you have to register.
I think it will be worth your wile to do so and check it out:

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Hope you come right, and that these site give you sound advice.
It looks like you have had it working....

So what has changed? you applied security.

What security did you apply? WEP\WPA?
Have you enabled MAC security? do you need to tell router1 about the mac address of router2 (or the other way)?

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