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My taists vary greatly. Everything from the clasical masters to the new age stuff. I have a bit of a unique sense of humor too. That part tends to bring me back to ICP(Insane Clown Posse) now and then. Hard rock beats, some old school theatrics, funny dark humored lyrics and surprizingly some very good musical skills and talent with the instruments too!

Any song that is up beat and makes me want to turn it up and listen closely to the musical part of it scores high with me! Reguardless of the lyrics or artist themselves.
I do have to admit many of the modern bands just dont put that high dB differential in there music any more.
Much of the old school music has subtle under layers that just fill in the songs so well and make you want to keep turning the music up just to hear whats going on under everything.
Metalicas last album has what, a 3dB differece from min to max. It just sounds awful acusticaly. No range or subtleness at all!
hehehe. . .I wish. Although I'm more familiar with the Fender Hot Rod DeVille so I'd probably go for that. Knowing him he'd probably like a HiWatt better, though. . .2-year-olds can be so picky.
Hot Rod DeVille?? A nice amp but far from the Twin Reverb and the Ampeg equivalents! The DeVille uses a PCB input board. It's not point-to-point wiring like the good Fender amps. I had a pre-CBS Bandmaster piggy-back set up. Presently I have an old Ampeg with an aux cabinet housing a single 18" woofer and 3 horns. What gets me is the HiWatt, Marshall, Crate, Epiphone tube heads are practically the same schematic design with small differences... just enough to avoid copyright infringement.

But who did it first anyway?.

Basically it's just a bog standard low quality valve amp, dating back long before electric guitars.
Dust In The Wind was a precursor to the time that Kerry Livgren turned religous and started writing "glory" songs. That destroyed the band IMHO.

That song is the salient part of the book of Ecclesiastes. Seeger and co. missed the point entirely when the Byrds took a shot at it.

So now I think I'll take a shot at the Byrds.

Ecclesiastes was written for people like me, who don't really believe in spiritual crapola, by someone who was at least having serious doubts about the whole thing himself. The "turn turn turn" section used in the eponymous song was clearly intended as stream-of-consciousness reasoning, there are no profound conclusions in it, it is an example of "grasping at the wind" and nothing more.
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But who did it first anyway?.

Basically it's just a bog standard low quality valve amp, dating back long before electric guitars.
I dunno? I never bothered to investigate who was at it first. I would guess either Ampeg or Marshall. How do you figure they are low quality amps? They are designed to primarily pass instrument frequencies without the microphonics that can occur from them. They are strictly sound reinforcement with the purpose to amplify, not add in effects like some amp models try to feature.
Tube amps were around before electric guitars but not so much the standard piggy-back heads/bottoms like we've seen since the late 50's and 60's.
Marshall Valvestate 2000 avt 150 ?

Marshall Valvestate 2000 avt 150

He paid about 900.00 new he say's ? About a 5 yrs old.

So I have bought the Amp. But, I'm finding a few mixed reviews. When I played it with the Strat it has a warm sound and good Classic Blues Sound. Another thing I like is it has a Channel that makes some pretty good acoustic sound.

I'm thinking of getting an digital effects box to see if I can get more sounds out of it.

I just hope I didn't make a mistake and should have gotten the Tube Amp.


Edit: I'm also trying the Amp with a recently picked up a knock off guitar actually sounds pretty decent. Called a Teisco but the head and body of the guitar doesn't look like a Fender it's more like a gretsch or a les paul. Semi Halo Electric about 45 yrs old.
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I dunno? I never bothered to investigate who was at it first. I would guess either Ampeg or Marshall. How do you figure they are low quality amps?

High distortion, poor frequency response, high noise levels - crude simple circuits.

They are made for a specific job, and quality isn't a requirement.
Effects boxes.

High distortion, poor frequency response, high noise levels - crude simple circuits.

They are made for a specific job, and quality isn't a requirement.

Nigal, Have ever known of someone using digital effects box on a Tube Amp ?

Probably most guitarists with a valve amp do just that, and there are many valve amps with DSP effects built-in.

Now I've got buyers remorse. Maybe I should have spent more time and asked more questions.

I've been playing acoustic and have no experience with electric stuff. An amp has always been just an amp to me. Only that acoustic and Electric amps differ.

I guess should try a tube amp with my Strat. Get a feel for the difference ?

The pickups on my strat are of a different impedance and should be used with a tube amp.

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An acoustic amp is likely to be much lower distortion, and not hav eoverdrive and such things on it.

I commonly use a keyboard amp for guitar, it's 60W transistor with a 12 inch speaker and has a fairly low impedance balanced input. I simply use a DI box on it to give a high impedance for the guitar, and feed a balanced signal to the amp.

Sounds absolutely great!, acoustic or electric - just stick a pedal on the front if you want distortion etc.

I guess should try a tube amp with my Strat. Get a feel for the difference ?

Depends what you want?, if you want high distortion then valves are the way to go, but many great guitarists use transistor amps for their better sound quality, and get the 'sound' they want from effects pedals and playing ability.

The pickups on my strat are of a different impedance and should be used with a tube amp.

Transistor guitar amps have high input impedances as well - you can get some amps (or either type) which have adjustable input impedance, so you can adjust it to get the effect you want (just a pot wired across the input).
Thanks, Nigal.

Whew, I'm feeling better. I just got thru telling someone I think I may have made a huge error ( The guy I was talking with is guitarist + collector. )

I really like the fact the this one has the acoustic channel ( I like John Petrucci's and Steve Winwood acoustic renditions with an electric.) and also has a mimic overdrive if I want a grungy rock sound.

Puts out 150 watts and uses an fx loop I can run out to a mixer board. It has output for more stacks if I ever wanted too ! It's pretty bad already.

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Puts out 150 watts and uses an fx loop I can run out to a mixer board. It has output for more stacks if I ever wanted too ! It's pretty bad already.

Last two gigs my daughter has done (as a duo with Charlie on guitar, Melissa on bass, and both on vocals) I just DI'd both instruments through the PA, no on-stage amps (or monitors) at all.
Last two gigs my daughter has done (as a duo with Charlie on guitar, Melissa on bass, and both on vocals) I just DI'd both instruments through the PA, no on-stage amps (or monitors) at all.

Are you saying you used the house speakers ? the ones in the auditorium ? Wow.

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Funny you should say that. My 45 year old cheap knock off Guitar and Amp.

I have taken out the 4" speaker and sound board and installed them into the amp I just ran the output that went to the speaker straight into the input of the Keyboard amp. All I had to do is come up with a mount inside the old amp. The problem is the input stage and output is cheap old you get a lot of hum.

It still looks the same but has a lot more output even with the 4" speaker.

I don't know what to do to solve it maybe I can use a DI box ?


Edit: Now you got me thinking maybe I should drop a 12" into it.


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  • Tiesco Guitar.jpg
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Birthdays are so much fun.

Here some pics of the Fender Strat and the Marshall.

Birthday gifts from the wife.



  • Fender Strat.jpg
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  • Marshall 2000 Avt 150.jpg
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Here some pics of the Fender Strat and the Marshall.

Birthday gifts from the wife.


Very nice! Those are great afordable guitars. I've got one too, American Standard I bought in '95. It's left handed and i've put a pearloid pickguard on it. A few months ago put in a Dimarzio Chopper in the bridge position and wired it to a push/pull pot. Have a few more tones now.

Keep your wife happy. Two years after the Strat my wife got me a Taylor 614.
Taylor acoustic !

I like Taylors indeed.

Funny I had a Koa I can't remember what model now. Something 800 or 400 series can't remember now. But....

I put a piezo Electric pickup in it. Sounded great my son started bringing over people to the house I got freaked out and took my guitars over to my dad's.

I didn't know it but, my step mother's daughter ( Drug Addict ) lived with them and then her and her boyfriend stole the Guitar and my dad's car went on a bender till they were thrown in jail. I almost got it back when I called a one of my friends in a pawn shop. He said they were just there yesterday.

Later, I found out they sold it privately when they couldn't get enough money for it.

I was down about 1200 bucks. I still have my acoustic amp though.

That Taylor had an Incredibly bright sound and profession low bass notes. Loved it but, it ripped the crap out of my fingers.

So, I couldn't practice on it.

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