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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

24°F batteries don't work too cold.

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Almost all of the You Tube electronics videos that have many errors are from India so I don't look at their videos anymore.
I never learnt the Greek language so I call the Covid-19 Alpha variant "the one from the UK" and the Covid-19 Delta variant "the one from India".

Gary said his very poor quality batteries came from the store Harbor Freight Tools, but did not say the country of the manufacturer that we all know.
There is an electronics surplus chain of stores in my city. Everybody working there obviously has ancestors in India. I bought lots of high quality older products there and some junk. My excellent Sylvania clock radio cost only $1.76 and some Philips 5V 1A power supplies were $1.50, the junk were a bag of their own no-name-brand blue LEDs.
Almost all of the You Tube electronics videos that have many errors are from India so I don't look at their videos anymore.
I never learnt the Greek language so I call the Covid-19 Alpha variant "the one from the UK" and the Covid-19 Delta variant "the one from India".

Gary said his very poor quality batteries came from the store Harbor Freight Tools, but did not say the country of the manufacturer that we all know.

I don't buy Harbor Freight batteries they are trash. Batteries are very light weight 1/4 the weight of a good battery. Cut them open they are full of tiny white color balls.

Dollar Tree batteries are trash too. NEW packages on the shelf are dated 2 years ago. New batteries test 1.4v with VOM not 1.6v like they should.

I don't have any eneloop D batteries I only have AAA batteries. There are D eneloop batteries for sale on Ebay.

It is time to buy better D batteries I am tired of swapping out dead batteries. I will look for Energizer D batteries. Last time I looked at better D batteries they were $6 each I don't remember what brand they were.

I looked for solar cells to charge AAA eneloop batteries but prices are very expensive and not sure my LED flashers get enough sunlight to charge 2 batteries in series. Solar cells are .5v each. 2 batteries are 3.2v I probably need 4v to charge 2 batteries. Solar cells I find for sale never have amp rating? Even if I use small 1" square solar cells 8 will not fit inside a glass jar to prevent them from getting rained on unless I use larger jars. We have an average of 250 days of rain every year. Our humidity is too high also sometimes my transistor wires rust away in 6 months and LED wire rust away in 6 months also. I have tried dipping PC boards with parts in, candle wax. bees wax, paint, nothing is stopping wires from rusting away it only slows it down. I put PC boards & batteries in jars in the house in AC where humidity is lower but still wires turn to rush in 6 to 12 months. Often jars have a teaspoon of water inside after being out side for 1 week.

It is interesting only parts inside jars rust. I have several PC boards just setting out in the open air where they can not get rained on and wires NEVER rust. PC board on car port never gets rain unless we have 60 mph wind but parts dries out and never rusts. PC boards under eaves of the house roof are about 12" from getting rained on and never rust. Jar has something to do with making wires rust. PC board in a jar on the dash of my vehicle rusts but remove it from jar set PC board on dash no rust. ?

I think I might fill jars with high voltage oil, battery & PC board under oil should be ok.

Circuits work good when 2 new batteries are 3.2v but stops working when at 2.7v. When I add 1 more used battery 1.4v + 1.4v + 1.4v = 4.2v circuit works good and runs for another 9 months. When voltage drops to 2.7v again circuit stops working. 4 low batteries .9v each = 3.6v circuit runs about 1 month and stops. Waste of time using batteries with less than 1v. I sure get my moneys worth out of these batteries by connecting them in series until they finally die.

If I buy better batteries the batteries will out live the rusty wires on the PC boards. Jars are causing rust on wires. I put several packs of water adsorbant in the jars then I fine the packs setting in a pool of about 1 teaspoon of water. TN humidity is 100% most of the time & assemble in AC low humidity room is not helping.

PC board in pic on red color wooden block near ceiling of car port has been her 2 1/2 years, same PC board with no rusted wires. Put this PC board in a jar or zip lock plastic bag LED wires & transistor wires will be rusted away in 6 months.

First pic is new PC board I put board and jar in hot kitchen oven 130 degrees F 30 min opened door assembled them inside the oven. LOL. So far so good no water collecting in the bottom of the jar, it has been outside for 3 weeks, this is a 1 LED circuit all the others are 2 LED circuits.

WHY does windows 11 not have spell check?




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As far as I understand spell check is a part of your browser, not part of any of the windows system.

Windows 11 comes with EDGE browser. I thought Edge is part of windows but maybe not. I will test another browser to see if spell check works on it.

Another thing, code does not work. I should be able to hold down ALT then type 171 and get 1/2 and ALT 248 is degree simbol. Maybe this is browser too.?

OK it is the browser ½ ° works on chrome I can copy and paste it here.
OK it is the browser ½ ° works on chrome I can copy and paste it here.

Was pretty sure it was. Did you look at "settings" in Edge? I don't use any of the windows browsers but can't imagine they don't have a spell check that can't be activated.
Windows 11 comes with EDGE browser. I thought Edge is part of windows but maybe not. I will test another browser to see if spell check works on it.

Another thing, code does not work. I should be able to hold down ALT then type 171 and get 1/2 and ALT 248 is degree simbol. Maybe this is browser too.?

OK it is the browser ½ ° works on chrome I can copy and paste it here.
I use the window character map utility to get symbols from. That way I can see the thousands that are available and just copy and paste from there.
The most interesting thing for me is the VOM shows correct voltage 1.6v per D battery at 24 degrees F but frozen batteries don't work.
batteries use a chemical process to create current. cold temperatures slow down all chemical processes. since water is a main ingredient of battery electrolytes, the electrolyte is likely in a near frozen state at 24F, and so the chemical ions aren't mobile enough to provide much current.
WHY does windows 11 not have spell check?
they probably want you to BUY it... yes, i am an anti-Windows bigot... but seriously, features like Auto-Save, etc... were removed from Office products as newer versions came out (beginning in the early 2000s), and if you wanted those features you had to buy them...
Browsers don't usually 'have' spell check, but you can often download one as an 'add-on'.

I don't keep up with this stuff. That said when I first downloaded Firefox, it was with it but not activated. You had to go to the settings and activate it. Don't know how things work now.
I tried warm batteries the circuit works. Cold batteries taken inside the house for 1 hour work too.

The most interesting thing for me is the VOM shows correct voltage 1.6v per D battery at 24 degrees F but frozen batteries don't work.
Your photos show very cheap poor quality Super Heavy Duty batteries from China. Who knows what is in them? Of course they freeze.
Energizer make high quality batteries that do not cost much and are rated for 0 degrees F and a storage time of 10 years.


  • Energizer alkaline D.png
    Energizer alkaline D.png
    209.9 KB · Views: 249
Almost six Energizer AA alkaline batteries weigh as much as one D cell and produce the same mAh when in parallel, but six AA batteries cost twice as much as one D cell.
The cheap Chinese Super heavy Duty batteries have no datasheet so nobody knows how weak they are.
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