240vac multi led driver

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New Member
hi, im fairly new to electronics and was wondering if this circuit i made up would work?

input = 240vac
led current = 15ma x 15 = 225ma total
led voltage = 3.3v each = 16.5v per 5 led strip

also if this circuit would work, how would i work out all the component values?

We've seen this so many times before. It's way too dangerous to work off the mains without a transformer.

Now that I've done the "safety" thing, you must put a resistor in series with each series string of LEDs. You see, LED's are current dependent animals and their personal voltage varies with temperature and manufacturing variations. If you put a bunch of them in parallel, they will fight, overheat, and start burning out.

Other than that, use a mains transformer. Not just for safety reasons, but because the resistors used to lower the rectified voltage for the regulator chip will be huge, expensive, and wasteful of energy.
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