24f,30f or 33f?

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New Member
Hi friends,

i want to construct a traffic lights design.But it wont have a known time change.It s time will change with respect to the inputs.And also i need to use 24f , 30f or 33f series.which one is suitable for this kind of applications.And i know that we can construct this kind of applications using 16f...series.But i must use these 24f , 30f or 33f.Because i am using matlab for this and in my simulink i have only these microcontrollers.can you help me..
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yes myfriend i know that these series are overkill for this application but i want to know which one will be suitable for this led application like traffic lights.Also these pics have different properties and about their memory,ram,frequency range,....and will it change the performance of the application if we use 24f or 30f or 33f.?thank you..
You could do this job with a PIC10F.

It is like asking which high powered sports car is best to go to the corner market to buy a gallon of milk. They will all work. They are all overkill.
If you are going to mass produce these, then I agree that a more feature-rich (i. e., more expensive) part may be overkill (unless you are planning special features and future upgrades that require the more capable device).

When you get right down to it, a buck or two difference in parts cost doesn't make a whole lot of difference for low-volume applications when you consider the value of your time and whether you are doing it for the learning experience (unless you are really strapped for funds) or having to shift gears if you are used to working with a different part. Go for whatever works and fits your budget, the tools you have to work with, your preferred programming language, and your ultimate objectives.

Just my opinion...
You certainly won't use the extra features of the 30F or 33F so you might as well use the simpler 24F series.
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