24V DC-Heater using PID Controller..

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I want to build PID controller for 24-DC heater...this is a closed loop system...
I want a special guidelines to make PID controller...can the PID algorithm made in any controller(using ADC) or the it requires hardware like (integrator, derivative,)---using L & C...can anyone guide me?
A PID (Proportional, Integral, Differential) controller by definition has integrators and differentiators. But these can be simulated in microcontroller code so you don't need additional hardware for that.

Google PID controllers for tutorials on this subject.

My preference is to do such loops using Fuzzy Logic since it's easier and more intuitive than PID loops in a microcontroller. In general, it consists of a series of If-Then statements, which are usually easier to understand and optimize then the code for PID loops. But not many are familiar with Fuzzy Logic so shy away from it. If interested just Google "fuzzy logic".

I appreciate your response...I am posting a block diagram of the system...
You said me rather going for PID, fuzzy logic would be better...but my application requires precise temperature at particular point...going in detail...my application gets the input from users like---1.Temperature..2. Time to reach that temp. or a Ramp rate...so at a particular time temperature must be a precise value...do you think fuzzy logic would be enough or I have to write PID algorithm in Microcontroller code....

Moving to PID...for implementing
(1) P(Proportional)...One can multiply (KP x Verror) now for Verror---Vout-analog->ADC of uC->and Verror=|Vout-Vpresent|..(if I am not wrong) ..and KP=1..generally...

(2) I (Integrator)....Vi=(KI x ∫ Verror dt)...->(KI*( Sum of (all the Verror from t=0 to t=t{means at that instant})...(If I am wrong you can correct me..)

(3) D (Derivative)...Vd=(KD x dVerror / dt)..->(KD*[(Verror2-Verror1)/(t2-t1)])...

then Vsum=(Vp+Vi+Vd)...->DAC-->Vout analog...and then again feedback to get Verror....

I need your suggestions...is it better from fuzzy logic?...as I haven't implemented any so I don't know which is better???/


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