25LC1024 SPI EEPROM write speed

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The 25LC1024 datasheet says, "Internal write cycle time = MAX 5ms". Does that mean it should take no more than 5ms per byte to write?

I'm having to write with almost 7ms delay per byte to get it to work.
Ah, I think I know what the problem is. I had assumed (for the past week of fighting with this thing) that MPLAB's View/File Registers would pop onto the screen with the current values. But I just now found out that it doesn't. You have to open it and then refresh it before you get real, current numbers in there. If I had known that I would have wasted a LOT less time with this. It's probably been working all along, but since I was trusting File Registers to give me current values without the extra step I thought the program was broken.

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With Junebug you can program the I2C EEPROMs from the PICkit2 UI.
donniedj said:
So what was the actual write time?
Since I found out about the debug File Registers screen thing, I had been testing at 5ms. Since you asked, I tested at higher and higher speeds. 4ms works. 3ms works. 2ms works. 1ms works. At that point I commented out the delay and ran it at full speed (with 8MHz internal clock). Works fine!

Have you used page writing yet?
I was unclear what they meant by that, but after some reading I think I understand it. I've been doing page writing all along.
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