2D and 3D Resistor Designs

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I just started college at RCC, and after a few little tiny labs (this is a soldering iron, it's hot; this is how to solder; etc etc) we were asked to build a rocket ship out of 15 resistors, soldered together. Ive soldered a lot before so mine turned out perfectly, along with the little board we had to solder. The instructor was really impressed and asked me to come up with an idea for a new lab, something like the rocket ship only more complex.

Im not really creative, so does anyone have any ideas for a simple or somewhat complex shape/design/figure made out of resistors soldered together?
The Eiffel Tower? (Maybe too much like the rocket ship).

A Ferris Wheel?

Donald Trump's toupee?

Any tips on the spiders? I was thinking a 14-leg ic with every other lead bent off (giving you four on each side), then taking each resistor and snipping one lead down right to the resistor, bending it on a 45, and soldering the lead end to the leg of the chip (giving it feet of sorts).

EDIT or even to keep the body of the resistor up close to the IC itself and have like little joints, then just have the whole wire of the resistor be its' leg
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more interesting

Just to make it interesting, do you calculate the total resistance of your creation?:
We havent yet, but we were told to keep the rocket ship that we made, as we would need it in a future project - this makes me think we will probably have to do something like that in the future.
Ended up making a spider out of a SOIC-8 chip, with leads from resistors (just the lead, not the body of the resistor) soldered to each leg, and bent about 1/4" away from the body of the chip at a 90° angle
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