2N2222A NPN transistor as Current Amplifier


New Member
Hi All,

I'm using 0.9V to 5V DC DC booster module with Female USB module as output, now when I'm connecting +ive(5V) of USB module with base of 2N2222A NPN transistor via 500 ohm resistor & -ive to emitter, also +ive of Load with collector of transistor & -ive of Load to emitter of transistor & trying to use transistor as current amplifier but I'm not getting any output while checking with multimeter,
Kindly suggest if there is any changes in connection required, to make transistor works as a current booster
You are only amplifying the base current to emitter and not boosting the available max current from USB.
This is not what you expected because it cannot boost the max USB current available. Instead you may have fried your base-emitter diode which has a smaller current limit. This is a failed concept.
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