Well I've got my installation working. The control box isn't attached to the wall yet, but apart from that, it's finished.
The motor is rated at 3 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz and it drives a Stenhoj lift, much like this
https://www.autopstenhoj.com/en/masterlift-2-35-pv-1010.html but mine is about 18 years old. The control circuit that runs the contactor and the lowering valves is supplied from one of the phases. There were three modifications to do:-
1. Wire the motor controller so that it feeds 230 V and neutral instead of 3 phases, while leaving the control circuit running.
2. Reconnect the motor for 230 V.
3. Fit the capacitors and relay, which the largest part of the work.
1. Wiring the motor controller.
All I had to do here was wire the neutral supply into one of the input phases, making sure that the live connection is still connected to the control circuit. For this controller, the central connection runs the control circuit.
The three line inputs are L1, L2 and L3. L1 is now unused, L2 is live and L3 is neutral. Live and neutral come out on terminals 4 and 6 of the contactor. The neutral input is also linked to the original neutral to run the control circuit.
2. Reconnect the motor for 230 V. That was simply changing how the motor winding as connected. They now look like this:-
The three line inputs were the three terminals at the bottom of the photo, and when it was connected for 380 V, the top three terminals were joined together in star configuration. When it is wired as shown, in delta configuration, it is connected for 240 V. The motor windings are arranged like that, and all three links are provided when only two were needed for 380 V, because the motor was arranged for easy conversion between the voltages.
Each motor terminal has two wires, one from the control box and one to the capacitors and relay. There is a spare wire from the control box to the motor, because I continued to use the wiring that had been used on 3-phase when the lift was new.
3. Capacitors and relays.
This was most of the cost and work. The capacitors are these:-
https://uk.farnell.com/kemet/c274ac35300aa0j/cap-film-pp-30uf-470v-snap-in/dp/1789706 and I used 20 of them.
The relay was this one:-
https://www.ebay.com/itm/171115022408, which is an Supco APR5 Universal Adjustable Potential Relay, if anyone is looking afer eBay remove that item. I couldn't find one in the UK.
Based on Tcmtech's circuit, here is how I wired it up:-
On these lifts, it they run in the wrong direction they just make a squeaking sound and do nothing, so there is no harm in running them to find the right direction.
The capacitors are quite large. Here are some pictures of them, the relay and the bracket to support them:-
The big dirty red cylinder in front of the capacitors is the hydraulic pack and the motor terminal box is on the right of the photo. The motor is inside the hydraulic pack somewhere, but I've not seen inside it.
Here is the finished lift:-
I'm happy to answer any questions about it.
As an aside, I tested it with just 6 capacitors controlled by the relay, so a total of 10 not 20. The lift worked, but it would not restart with a car on it, so I had to raise it in one go to the height that I wanted. Lowering is with the solenoid valve, so that doesn't need capacitors. With all 16, it will restart with a car on it.
Many thanks to tcmtech for his circuit and suggestions.