3V powered circuits, good to have parts near the workbench

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I'm slowly moving to msp430 uC and by that entering a world with completely new set of problems ... the circuit is powered by 3.0 - 3.3V ... the 90% of the active elements - do not work

What are your experiences with this, what are the, in your opinion, necessary parts to have around...

From my short experience
- 260R resistors
- 74HC* and not 74HCT* as I was used to with 5V circuits
- 74HCT14 Hex inverting Schmitt trigger (good also for 1way level shifting)
- BA30CC0T (3V LDO regulator)
- BA33CC0T (3V3 LDO regulator)
- BC546B / BC546C (maybe someone can recommend a better one?)
- MAX3223cpp

What I miss big time
- *FET that can be opened by 3V (~12V max, 1A max no need for more)
- good darlington array (have not tried uln2003 with 3V yet)
- good half H drive that can be driven by 3V (L293 is 5V device)
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