3v to 5v IC schematic explanation please..

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v2.0 PCB

IC Schematic

Can someone explain how this would "look" when created on a IC PC Board which adds 4 addt'l conections, instead of the v2.0 PCB specifically made for this project? I'm relatively new to interpreting how this would look on a board..the + - in the top right and where to actually get the 5v power from..i need this for a simple 3v to 5v boost..not for any ipod charging...
This looks like the Minty Boost project. Have you tried asking on ladyada.net/forums?

As bassnut points out, pin 4 of the main IC looks like it is +5 and pin 3 (or 8) is GND. The outside pins of the USB connector are +5 and GND. I'd use a multimeter to figure out which is which.
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