3x3x3 LED Cube - can i use16f628 instead 16f690

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Actually my programmer(**broken link removed**) is having 6 pin for ICSP. This circuit is having 5 pin only for ICSP. So how can I connect....

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You only use 5 on a 16fxxx seeing header pin is like buying gold I save them if I can. All you
need is
2. Vdd/5+
3. GND/-
6. AUX / not used so you don't need it
Just use pins 1 thew 5
pin 6 is the same as pin3 gnd/pgm on your programmer
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You can buy pin headers for a fraction of the price from futurlec.

1x40 are 10 for 70 cents (7 cents each)
2x40 is 50 cents each

On target boards I use these at 25 cents each. IDC Sockets
**broken link removed**

Order them well in advance of when you need them.

40 Pin .100" Straight Male Headers that's cheap i get good prices on ic but 3m headers are 90 cents for 40 pin Straight Male Header
This is how I found this site I was looking to make a 3x3x3 cube and Google for 3x3x3 cube and found this great site thanks for the post.
diode n transistors?

Greetings all,
i've downloaded the schematic, i'm a little confuse,
could some1 tell me what type the diode n the transistors are
sorry, i'm super duper newbie on this
thanks in advanced
this site's rock
The transistors are npn 2n3904 the leds are red but you can use green yellow white
the diode is IN914/1N4148 you can also use 2n4401, 2n2222, or any npn with the same specifications
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need help

i have done everything as in this thread
but my cube doesn't work well
LED at RB4 all roll light all the time
some of them blinking weakly
the other just dead

Is it because i use blue LED
other parts like be80be said
R1 is 10K
R2, 3 and 4 are 1K
C 104
Q 2N3904
D IN4148
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