4-channel rolling code--Utter Noob Query (help requested)

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New Member
I need help with components and locating a schematic for a 4-channel keychain code transmitter w/433MHz Receiver recently purchased from The Electronic Goldmine.

The transmitter is complete and working. The receiver requires 5VDC, a couple of 4013 CMOS ICs, 4 relays, and 'various passive components' (I'm imagining, what, resistors and the like?)

Here are my initial questions:
a) where do you recommend finding 4013 CMOS ICs (Radio Shack proved useless)?
b) what relays will this require, and where do I find them (the receiver is pretty generic, no manufacturer's stamp anywhere, but it is part #G16544 on The Electronic Goldmine page)
c) Exactly what passive components are required for this?
d) Where can I locate appropriate schematics for this?

Okay, I know, what a noob, but one must learn at some point (I hope you agree). Thank you sincerely for considering these questions.
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