4017 count 0 to 99

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New Member
Can 2 X 4017 be conencted to give counts from 1 to 100. It will be hard wired for the particular count I want so no extra parts if possible. So I only want, say a pulse every 13 pulses of the clock input and for the next project say 78. I need even and uneven counts. Possible? I Googled for hours, but what I found does not give proper information. Can anyone post a circuit? I will sure appreciate it.
Counting 0-99 with two 4017s is easy. Resetting on numbers divisible by 10 (10, 20, 30, ...) is easy without adding gates. Resetting on some arbitrary number like 73 requires external gates.

Clip from the datasheet.


  • AAesp01.gif
    32.4 KB · Views: 331
Thanks eric, that worked fine. Now I need an output on pulse 14 and 15 and then re-set. Is that possible or is there a better chip for that?

If I follow your question, you are wanting to RESET on the 16th count.??? is that correct.?
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