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New Member
hi i want to use two 4017 in cascade such that first 4017 ic count up to ten then second 4017 ic will be enabled and first one would be disabled when second 4017 ic complete its count then first 4017 ic will be eabled again and so on
can any one help
The only problem with a 4017 is this:
One of the outputs must be HIGH.
It depends on what you actually want to do.
You need to be more specific.
Do you want a "run of 20?"

Is this what you mean.?


  • esp01 Jun. 10.gif
    41.9 KB · Views: 219
Bill Bowden uses "Mickey Mouse" AND gates made from diodes:


  • cascaded 4017s-2.PNG
    43.6 KB · Views: 228
... but you can cascade as many of them as you want to get the desired number of outputs ...

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