4053 Line Switcher PCB by JLCPCB

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New Member
Hi ,

I have a college project, for my undergrad thesis, where I needed to manufacture some boards, but manufacturing boards is way too expensive here, even for prototypes, 10 boards won't cost less than 300$. So I found this manufacturer from China, JLC PCB https://jlcpcb.com/. Honestly, I had a blast with their service, they delivered the boards in less than a week, it only took 2 days for manufacturing and 4-5 days shipping to registered post. The quality looks just great, as you can see in the pictures. It cost me only 2$ (100x100mm 10 pieces). They also sent pencils as gifts.

As a plus, they even have a online tool to design your PCB layout and export directly into their service and place an order quickly https://easyeda.com/.

The Project function :
I'm trying to control the volume with the 4053. A drawing like this helped. 4 devices can be connected. It has 4 indicators with leds. I used a tiny microcontroller. Like 16f616. I prefer to have a built-in oscillator. The card has an icsp connector. It has completely smd structure. It works with 5 volts. In the input 1n4007 is used as a reverse voltage protector. I'm thinking of writing your program with mikroc. I have not created yet, but I will add it in the summer. I will order prints through JLPCB and this will be my first order. The card dimensions are approximately 45mmx49mm. I was working on the breabord to try it. I will share the ISIS picture by editing the drawing. It's a bit mixed. Attached pcb pictures. I look forward to your comments.

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R11, 12, 13, 14 are way too large to source current into an LED. I suggest 220 ohms to start. What is the forward voltage (Vf) of the LEDs?

This doesn't look like a volume control to me. It looks like an electronic selector switch, selecting one of four stereo inputs to one stereo output. Is this correct?

When powered by nothing but +5V and GND, the 4053 has a very limited signal voltage amplitude range. To make sure your signal is not clipped, you need to provide a DC bias at the 4053 inputs to make sure the audio is centered at 2.5 V.

Without knowing what the output of the multiplexer is driving, the input R-C (for example, R7-C1) forms a 3.4 kHz highpass filter. What is the bandwidth of the signals you are switching?

Vcc and Vdd and two different net names. Most pcb layout software will not connect them together automatically. Also, you have the same ground symbol labeled both GND and Vss. Are these supposed to be the same net?


First of all thank you for your comment. I added non-regular scheme. This photo is regular.

* R11,12,13,14 220R fix it.
* Correct, this scheme only 4 channel stereo audio switch. Not volume control.
* "You need to provide a DC bias at the 4053 inputs to make sure the audio is centered at 2.5 V" How ? . I try to breaboard and input the computer audio there was no problem, not clipped. Is there a method you can recommend ?
* Input device computer, mp4, receiver,tv etc. Is not it necessary to R7-C1 ?
*Vcc-Vdd Vss-Gnd I know your differences. I was in such a hurry. I fix it.

Thansk for comment. Best Regards....
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