4069 problems

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what i need is a circuit so when a ptm switch is depressed an LED comes on. i have tried using a 4069 with the switch goin from +ve to pin 1 and pin to to a 2n4401 transistor to light an LED. i have done this with pin 3 and 4, 5 and 6 and grounded the unused inputs. problem is nothin is happenin. what am i doin wrong?
have tried connectin stuff different ways but itz still not workin... nd ne1 cud help with a schematic id b grateful. basically what i need is a circuit using 3 leds and 3 PTM switches. what i need so so when the PTM switch is closed, the LED goes off and when the PTM switch is open the LED comes on

also i cant use PTB switches for this
Is it really that simple? My understanding is that, as long as your PTM switch (PTM=push to make? Same as NO=normally open?) is depressed, the LED is off. You need 3 identical circuits like this, and they have no interaction with each other?
I think the chip you are using, uses digital inputs.
if this is true then:
Connect a 10k resistor from Positive to pin 1.
Connect your switch to pin 1 and Earth.
Let me know what happens.

positive supply to chip=pin 14
earth on chip =pin 7


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