4116 - 4164 - 4264 Dram

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New Member
Can anyone tell me if these DRAM chips are interchangeable as long as the speeds are the same? Also looking for data sheets for 4264 and 4116, Thanks!
They are far from interchangeable. The 4116 uses 3 power supplies, 12V, +5, and -5. To replace 4116 with 4164, disconnect Vbb, change Vdd from 12V to 5V (!), and leave Vcc (5V) connected to A7. If everything else is hooked up "normally", you might have 16k.

iirc, the 4264 is a fast-column version and would work in place of most 4164 applicatons. However the 4164 won't work in a 4264 socket. I do not have a data sheet for 4264. Get a 4116 data sheet from datasheetarchive.
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