4x24 LCD

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Hi everyone.
I have many of this HYUNDAI LCD, HD44780 interface, 4x24 character.
The thing I have difficulty is the E_strobe line is separated from the first 2 line, like LINE 1,2 have Enable pin on 5 and LINE 3,4 have E pin on 6.
Its like have 2x 2x24 LCD in one board and share the same LCD.
There is any other way to make this work or must use the 2 Enable pin separately.

I've never used a 4 line LCD (I keep meaning to get one to play with), but from what I've read it's basically two seperate 2 line LCD's, so you need to select the correct E pin for the 2 lines you want.
Try to find the Manf website, they might tell how it is setup.

I have heard that some 4 line and 40 char displays are actualy two in one, and have seperate addressing and control.

Have fun
Most 4 line LCD displays use two seperate controllers, one for the top 2 lines and one for the bottom 2 lines. If the LCD has more than 80 characters (like the one you have), it deffinately has 2 controllers, usually the interface will be a 16 pin connector with two Enable lines. E1 is used for the top 2 lines and E2 is for the bottom 2 lines.

If you would have 4x20 LCD displays (80 characters total). It could either have 2 controllers or only 1, I have seen both versions.
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