500kV switch

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Maybe you have seen this, should be interesting for those who have not seen it. I captured these pics from a movie I got somewhere, the movie is real cool, but you actually need the sound.


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Yeah i seen the video on many websites.

Big arcs are normal with HV switches, but these arcs are absolutely huge. I think i seen a explanation somewhere why this happened.
I like how the one guy in the bottom left corner starts to run away.

It must be quite something to experience it first-hand.
I'm guessing it was a stupid accident, someone forgetting to follow an arc prevention protocol before switching or they did it on purpose. If you want more just do a search on youtube for 500kv
There area few of people throwing coper wire or what not over 100+kv lines, nice cloud of vaporized copper, stupid stuff.
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Are you sure that video is true.
Rather looks like some pyrotechnics happing behind the bushes.
Everything seems so from the grass level up.
Not to mention the plume of smoke, that definitely has some dye to it.

Or is it just my eyes?
I don't believe it either.

I wonder how you could throw coper wire on to an HV cable without getting electricuted.

You could tie a long piece of nylon fishing line to the coper wire and a large stone to each end. Then all you do is put the stone tied to the fishing line on the ground and throw the other stone connected to the coper wire over the cable.
I love the Darwin Awards =) I go there about once every two years and catch up. I pray I never become one of them! =)
A real classic one, these guys decided to steal some iron for resale, so they go to this warehouse that was supported with iron beams. As they were about to remove the last support beam the roof caved in crushing them all. Sad but true...
Wuh ?

A real classic one, these guys decided to steal some iron for resale, so they go to this warehouse that was supported with iron beams. As they were about to remove the last support beam the roof caved in crushing them all. Sad but true...

Those tooth picks just wer'nt aligned right. Plus you have to use a sturdy deck of cards.

kv (All kidding aside desperation leads to disaster.)
Well i heard about some guy wanted to cut off power to a big pile of houses by cutting trough one of those high voltage power lines. He used a saw on a METAL pole and dish washing gloves so he wouldn't get shocked. Ofcruse the 100s of kV arced trough the gloves and fried him.
It reminds me of some gypsies that were electrocuted when they tried to steal live copper cable.
Real idiotic.

Yet here they seam to steal copper wire daily.
I do think most of it is telephone, but you sometimes hear that some suburb is without power because the cables were pinched.

Also, which idiot buys the cable?
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