555timer- What did I do wrong?

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I tried to modify a Doctronics timer to control a small toy motor. I changed some of the resistors and capacitor. I want the motor to turn on for 2-3 seconds and off for about 1 minute. Hooked it up with the LED lights included with the kit before hooking up motor and ran with 9 V and 4.5 V , the lights do not light up. What did I do wrong? Attached modified schematic is attached.


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˙uʍop ǝpısdn sı pǝɥɔɐʇʇɐ ǝɹnʇɔıd ǝɥʇ

Why do you have 1.8 kΩ resistor at the output? Say each LED drops 2 V, there will be only 1.67 mA driving the LED. I'm not sure whether that is enough though.

I don't think this is gonna work at 4.5 V.

Also, get a 100 nF capacitor from pin 5 to ground.

As for a motor, is a 555 timer capable of running it? How much current does your motor draw?
At 6 V, the current draw is 0.35Amp, and 4.5V it is 0.27 Amp. It does not sound like the 555 will drive the motor. What is my other option?


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