wats the difference between this and a photo radar detector, the guys who made radar turned around and sold detectors, lets not forget speeding kills what, thousands, ten thousands per year? besides its not illegal unless you use at such, and any little clepto who want s to bypass this system, could probably do such with the equivalent of a couple ml's of salt water or an exacto-knife, or maybe even a speaker magnet on the tag
rfid receives a sig then trans a conf sig, as far as i know, I could think of 1000000 ways to bypass that,
what we should be looking at is a system that can triangulate, and pin point so security can actually watch it walk out the door or ping when it "falls off the grid"! Or customer service and shelvers can locate it easy, or can be told what to stock, just like those bar code readers @ walmart, they tell ya the price,,HOW CONVENIENT!!! , or what about products that kids pick up play with then leave laying around somewhere,
Hackers are a nuisance and will exploit all the fallacies of an engineers efforts, but we should still honor them since they encourage evolution, allowing us to evolve our systems.
antaean, if you problem is with the frequency then you just need to read up on LC circuits, bands and the RF properties of wires, also you may need to get a device or 2 and do some response tests, this is a project, and not illegal unless you use it
if you just want to clepto stuff, don't bother, stealing is illegal, and if you can hack this they would give you a job that pays more than you could fit in your pockets anyway.