68000 microprocessor, anybody??

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New Member
I've been assigned a project on moving message display using 68000 microprocesors. the character must be at least 10. I'm wondering if anybody could help me build this project. Your help is appreciated!! :wink:
You need to tell us more about your project for us to help you. What type of display? What sort of interface does the dispaly use? In general the more information you give the more we can help.

the type of display i'll be using is dot matrix display. the thing is i don't really see what the design is going to look like.The programming part is the hardest, if anybody could show me the flow of the program it would be great.[/i]i.e flow chart.
the interface would be (parallel input timer) PI/T 68230.
i think this would be it.
please inform me if any information is missing.
thank you...
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