7 segment bypass circuit

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New Member
for my final year project was to counter parking system. in this project I use the circuit display (7 segment), counter that decoder circuit, the sensor (ir sensor) on the bar (enter) in and out (exit). when the sensor (transmit and received) detect a car through the bar, counter counting "" to "" and the display will show "FULL" when the car in which to-ten. but to count up to 9 only show with only 2 display "" The main problem I face now is love does not know how to design a bypass circuit to convert binary (number) to the hexa (alphabet) without using the PIC. I have searched the internet for this circuit but did not find any. please help me. AS Soon As Posible cause the end of this month I will present this project to pass my final year. please ... please ... help me .....


  • Doc1..doc
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  • counter display..jpg
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See this thread.

Edit: For your circuit, you could just substitute the 74192 decade (BCD) counter, for the binary 74190.
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