7-segment display, driver and PIC16F876A

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I am using PIC16F876A (28pin) and trying to interface 8 CA 7-seg displays with it.
However, I do not wish to employ discrete transistors for controlling the display drive.
I could find ULN2803A (8-drivers) but it is suitable for Common Cathod (CC)type displays.
I have plenty of Common Anode (CA) displays with me and so not much interested in switiching to CC type.

Please let me know in case anyone knows any part typically used to interface CA 7-seg displays as driver. I do not need a decoder and/or latch.

Attaching the basic schematic representing my application part.


  • PIC_7seg_CA_intfc.JPG
    20.8 KB · Views: 1,075
ULN 2064 can be configured as current sink or source.


  • ULN2064.pdf
    100.7 KB · Views: 381
I work at Maxim Integrated Products. One of our support engineers saw your posting and made a suggestion:

You can try the Maxim ICM7218 LED decoder driver:

**broken link removed**

This part automatically multiplexes and drives Common Anode displays (up to 8 digits). Your Microcontroller only sends the numerical data to the ICM7218.

I found one chip family....


Just FYI. I thank you for your help.
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