7-segment with ECG

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May i know that whether the source code for the heart beat detector at post #40 can work properly on the circuit post #43 ? And what 7 segment should used in circuit post #43 ( cathode or anode )?
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post #16 the circuit is there actually but when ever i test can not work so i might try another one

common ando

if u test anything and it works plz update here
Do the source code have error when run it? Cause my lecturer said to me tat there are error on the code. i am confuse tat why we can direct connect comparator to PIC 16f84A since PIC 16f84A din have the ADC pin rite ? should we connect a ADC before enter the PIC ?
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no when i run my source code using MPLAB i dnt find any problem
but what u said is correct i can use the ADC and then i nt have time to go through ADC so if u have any idea we can share here


good day 2 u

i tried to run it using ISIS but i got more than error

i tried also 2 us the MPLAB and its run correctly.

so any help ??


  • error..pdf
    46.6 KB · Views: 210
i tried to work on it, but i still have problem with the code and the design
i change the chip and i make it PIC16F690 , and i do a little bit if change on the source code

hope i can find the help here

7-segment test.DSN (the circuit design)
ECG.c (the program in c)
**broken link removed** (.hex file)

thanx in advance
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