741 comparator - help

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I have a triangle wave input (10 Vpp) and a reference voltage of 5 V. The output square wave should look something like this:
**broken link removed**

I haven't found any simple instructions on how to go about making this but it should be a simple thing. My simulation is in the attached picture.

So the output is not aligned properly with the input... I tried to mess around with the resistors but it didn't do much.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

E: The frequence is 1 kHz.


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One problem I see is you are sampling into the inverting input so your square wave will be upside down, 180 degrees out of phase.

Whats the frequency of the triangular waveform.??
I have a triangle wave input (10 Vpp) and a reference voltage of 5 V. The output square wave should look something like this:

The following circuit should work. Without the MOSFET, the output cannot swing to both rails due to the saturation characteristic of 741 output stage.


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Okay, I changed it to non-inverting, added a third resistor and adjusted all the resistors. Works great now. Thanks!
If you have the time/patience would you please post the final circuit?
I'd like to know where the new resistor is, etc.

There's some rise/fall time but it does its job.


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