74HC165 Signal Generator - Idea

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Can a 74HC165 clock with a square wave be used to generate other waves? if I select certain pins (on/off) can that be the base for a signal generator?

is the feasible?

not very well. I mean, I've used them to generate specific patterns for interfacing with remote control circuits when a micro wouldn't be fast enough, but you'd still need a clock source and there are much better choices out there, even though it would give you a TTL (actually, HC) compatible output, but there are much better choices.
You can generate sine and triangle and probably others from a square wave, so long as you dont want to change the frequency, its a technique sometimes used when you want an accurate frequency as you can use a xtal as the source, its not seen much these days as the dds has become popular.
for interfacing with remote control circuits when a micro wouldn't be fast enough

What micros have you consider that would be not fast enough?

What is the period or frequrency of the signal you like to deal with?
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