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Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to use a few of these as a switch for something like a keyboard?

Lets say i have 1 keyboard and 2 PCs. i connect the keyboard to the common "nZ" pins on each (they are i/o) and then 1 pc connects to "nY0" and the other to "nY1" this way i can use the "nS" line to pic which PC and the "E" line to enable the output to that PC.

This is my theory... is it viable?

hi atom,
The analog mux/demux are often used in this way.
also the 4051,4052,4066,4067
yay i finally got something right lol (at least the theory lol) thanks ill check those others out also.
so using a "4067" i can essientially create a 16 port switch. I would need about 4 of then to make it. Since a PS2 device using only 4 of its 6 pins. I would still use the 6 just incase. But that would rock. and the "4051" is almost the same as the 4067 just with 8 bits instead of 16.

thats awesome!
Im thinking about getting a "4052" anyone know of a larger version? Like a 4 position but more poles?
Ok i made a schematic for a 2 pc 1 keyboard switcher. Whatcha think?



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heh i need the parts i only have 4051's which means i would need 3. . which i do have but thats not the design i want to make it would be a over kill lol
PC Keyboard switch

One problem with keyboard switches is this: when a PC boots, it want to see a real keyboard (and/or a real mouse) or the software will disable it (at least with some O.S.). Commercial switches use a circuit with a microcontroller that simulates the keyboard for the PCs currently not connected to the real keyboard/mouse. The problem is more software than hardware: instead of a 74HC4053 I'd use a PIC with a not-so-simple program ...
thanks for that info. Im sure once in windows it will pickup the keyboard. But you are correct. Um... I will surely addon to this.

I will use a nice 18F pic to switch it and send maybe another 405 this time taking the 2 outputs from the above setup and giving the pic control of the the one not in use by inverting the switch to the second 4053. Ill make a nice schematic to show how in a minute.
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