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I called the sign of an inductive sensor, I have my sensor connected to 12V, when the sensor is activated, the signal is 12V, NPN is a sensor, I connect to this signal to 74ls04 in 5V PNP output have, and would my problem solved.
I called the sign of an inductive sensor, I have my sensor connected to 12V, when the sensor is activated, the signal is 12V, NPN is a sensor, I connect to this signal to 74ls04 in 5V PNP output have, and would my problem solved.

Dont connect a 12V signal directly into a 74LS IC.
Use a simple voltage divider from 12V to step it down to +5V, make sure when the output of the sensor is zero [0v] the lower value of the divider resistor is low enough to pull the 74LS input to a logic 0, say less than +0.5V.
You can post a voltage divider for my project?

Try this,
I am assuming your sensor can source [ supply ] into the 1K and 470R a current of 8mA.???
If not let me know.


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not! I'll test your circuit .. I'm not English, so I have to translate by google translate, and sometimes the translations go wrong .. : \
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