8051/89C51 assembler for windows XP

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After running into nearly a dozen softwares that won't run on Windows 98, I finally switched to Windows XP. To my surprise..... now my Dos based softwares dont work properly anymore, though most of them r not of much use to me anyway, but I cant assemble uC codes anymore since all my assemblers for At89C51 were dos based.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any way to run old DOS softwares??????? Or any assembler running on XP for 8051/8951???????
Even XP has a dos command Prompt..
its under All programs <>Ascessories...
it still wont let you use the parallel port , if that is what you need..
but there are ways around that too..
williB said:
Even XP has a dos command Prompt..
its under All programs <>Ascessories...
it still wont let you use the parallel port , if that is what you need..
but there are ways around that too..

Yup but the command prompt gives error:
An extended memory manager is already installed.
XMS driver not installed.

I tried searching for the solution through software, but all computer forums gave me a rather unanimous reply, "Forget about DOS with XP".

So anyone aware of windows based assemblers?
have you tried compatibility modes? XP (pro at least, i dont know about home) will let you run a program in "compatibility mode", and win95/win98 are options on that list... I heard that at least some programs work when you do that.
It works on mine ...
granted thats as big as it gets , BUT it still works...
try this put your Dos program in C:\
root directry..


  • dos_p.jpg
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evandude said:
have you tried compatibility modes? XP (pro at least, i dont know about home) will let you run a program in "compatibility mode", and win95/win98 are options on that list... I heard that at least some programs work when you do that.

Yup, nothing works.

eblc1388 said:
Hi Fsahmed,

Try this link:

Win32 console-mode assembler ASEMW.EXE requires a 386 CPU (or better) and Windows 9x, NT, 2000 or XP.

Thanks, its working!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank u very much.
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