8051 serial port interrupt for half duplex operation

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New Member
Hi, everyone i wonder how am i going to do a multiprocessor half duplex.operation with 8051 using C to write it.i want to send 5 bytes to another micro(B) then it will send back to me 5 bytes,to indicate that it received the previous 5 bytes from the 1st micro,i need a switch for the micro(A) to start transmit the 5 bytes,and when miro(A) received the 5 bytes that send by micro(B) then a LED will flash ON.Anybody has any idea how to accomplish this task?Thanks for your help i really appriciate it.
and i need to check whether the bytes send are correct or not let say i want 1,2,3,4,5
i have to ensure that 1,2,3,4,5 are transmitted.
Just use the UART. Its a full duplex serial interface using 2 wires. Just connect the TX on one controller to RX on the other. You might have to invert the bytes you recieve
__bit RecievedFlag = 0;
__bit BusyFlag = 0;
unsigned char SerialData;

   if (RI) 
       RI = 0;
       SerialData = SBUF;
       RecievedFlag = 1;
   if (RecievedFlag & (!BusyFlag))
       SBUF = SerialData;
       BusyFlag = 1;
   if (TI)
       TI = 0;
       BusyFlag = 0;
      ReceivedFlag = 0;

I heven't tested this code - i don't have any code on hand that just reads the UART so I just slapped this together. This code gives the general idea for reading and writing the UART. The code as is should echo characters received from the UART.
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