8096 microcontroller

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Just wanted your opinion on the 8096 microcontroller. I use the PICs, but wanted to know has the 8096 gone obsolete ?? Is it as widely used as the PICs ??Can I get some tutorials of the 8096 on the net?

8096 is now better know under 80C196 name, search after that.
and yes is a 16 bit uC more powerfull than PICs especially on ALU capabilities. But it need some external ICs for bus and memory. So is good if you have a little more complex application.
Yes 8096 and 80C196 have gone obsolete now a days. There are many alternate and more powerful single chip microcontrollers available than this one. 8096/80C196 needs a lot of other "sticky" chips to operate.

You'll hardly find any application/tutorial based on this one.
I remember I just found a robot using 80196.
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