85 watts or not?

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New Member
Hello. I have a question regarding resistors and other components throughout a circuit we are designing. We are designing a solar panel battery charger with LED indicators for the battery charge status. Well I have noticed that the resistors we have been using are rated for 1/4 watt. However, our solar panel is rated for 18v@4.72 amps and our battery is rated for 12V@7Ah. We will be using one circuit only connected to the solar panel and another only connected to the battery (both with 2 low current series connected 9v batteries to power LEDs) to measure the respective voltage levels. Anyways, I'm wondering if we should get resistors and components rated for 85watts or if our circuit components will be okay for short durations (minutes, not hours) at a time without failing (both circuits will be activated via switch). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The LED indicators and resistors are nothing to do with the power, 1/4W resistors will be absolutely fine - permanently.
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