>>>A Circuit modificaton idea...

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Someone Electro

New Member
This is my metal detector.But a had a idea to modefy it!

My idea:
To make a oscilator that oscilates on the same freqecy as
the metal detector whit no metal.The signal from the oscilator wod thurm off the metal detectors signal.

Wod this work?

It creates a 1000 Hz signal AM modulated on 5000 Hz(sine wave)
I sean this a my computer (those sound card oscilosopes).


  • Metal_141.gif
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BFO metal detectors transmit a radio signal!(which this dosent)

The uper circuit is a matal datactor that datacts changes of inductance in the transformer(only the uper E shapet plates)

Wean it detects a metal the tone lowers.I want it to detect wean the tone lowers!

I think its the beast solution to conectit to a freqency alanizer!
(I have a program for this(those sound card input ones))
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