a couple of old solar pannels

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So I have these two little solar panels out of some quite old solar lights. they are each made of 8 little panel elements (see panel image below) I decided to remove them from the silly plastic casing that was most certainly reducing the light especially after turning yellow in fact the increase after removing the plastic has been by 50 % or more, (from 60 mA to 100).

so my problem is one element looks cracked (see detail picture below) I think possibly in removing it from the plastic. I am not sure if this will reduce the performance, the two panels that are identical are giving out the same power so there seems to have not been any loss. 4.5 Volts up to 120 mA.

any ideas on what I can do with these panels ? just for fun and perhaps useful ?can I charge NiMH batteries with them ?

They seem coated with glue/silicone is it worth trying to remove it ? perhap consider removing it AND putting them under glass ?


  • pannel.jpg
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  • detail.jpg
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It's possible that the cracked panel is still working; the connections to either side of the semiconductor cell appear to be both intact so I'd leave it well alone if I weere you.
I agree with Hero999 on this one. Though for your own peace of mind, you could try covering the other panels with thick card ( or similar ) and see if you get a reading from the cracked panel.
yea well as they are encased in glue/silicone I can't read each element perhaps if I run into a particular requirement voltage and amperage wise I might dismantle them and discard the cracked one and rearrange them but thats not an immediate issue as I'm still thinking on what to do with them. How much soldering can these things take ?

there will be 16 total (including the cracked one) elements so that leave quite a few combinations for different power ratings
what voltage should I consider per element in calculations for a project ? if I am charging batteries with a number of elements in parallel should I put a diode on each or can I connect then all in parallel and then to the diode ?
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