I need a power supply to run my Ipod thats 99% efficient and should work on all voltages and currents. But I dont want to use transformers or capacitors.
We are looking to hire a couple of C level junior engineers. No A students need apply.
They must not be able to complete a project on time. Do not require the skills to hold a soldering iron. Must have the ability to cry and wine.
I recently worked for GM as CEO am I qualified?
I have a friend that worked on the assembly line while under my management too. Do you have an opening for him? And 21000 of his friends?
We work real cheap! We only need $75 an hour plus full benefits and 6 months paid vacation every year!
Thats minimum wage rate now isn't it?
يرجى تبررين هذا بمزيد من التفصيل ، وتترجم إلى العربية وكما قلت لا يتحدثون الانجليزية ، وعلى أي ليست لدي فكرة عما تتكلمون عنه could you please xplain in more detail and tranlate into arabic as i do not speak any english and dont have any idea as to what you are talking about!!!!!
I like how the universal translator uses the word "doubt" where "question" would be more appropriate. Of course it almost always starts with "Dear Sirs, I am a 5th year Engineering student..." Is this boilerplate? Is there a copy/paste master document somewhere like the Nigerian scam stuff?
will this ujt get all my pay per view and freeview channels working properly-or do i need yet another set top box and half a dozen more scart leads????