A flattering Study

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I saw an article online the other day (I can't remeber the site, if you find it please let me know). The article was a study that said that people who work with technolgy as part of their job, tend to have a higher IQ than most people. Sometimes by up to 50 points

I thought that this was a pretty intesting study and I thought that everyone on this sight might like to hear about it.
A study done by technical workers I'm an engineer, but I consider my IQ to be average. I also consider my curiosity to be above average, however. My friends call me "Curious George"
A study done by technical workers I'm an engineer, but I consider my IQ to be average. I also consider my curiosity to be above average, however. My friends call me "Curious George"

I tend to think that ^^ is what draws us lot into our particular fields/hobbies. We constantly have to find out and understand how something works, whether it is mechanical or electrical/electronic or other. We are seldom bored, as we usually have a number of projects on the go, or on the back burner and are always coming up with new ideas which need to be tested. The testing doesn't have to be physically hands-on either, there's always plenty of thinking time throughout the day... commuting, break times, waiting for the kettle to boil or bath to fill, oven or microwave to finish....and on and on......

Can't remember the last time thinking I was bored - there's ALWAYS something new to learn.
Sure, and the types of questions that are asked on a standard IQ test. I can easily get a high score on a standardized test, but I flop at other intellectual activities, like doing my taxes, which took me a whole week to complete recently
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