A.I. for electronics?

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I was using ChatGPT earlier as an experiment to see if it could be useful with Electronics. Here were my test tasks.

1, compare component values. Asked it to compare (Example) ztx550 alternatives. Failed

2, list pinouts of components... I asked it to list the 40pin 68b09 which I know. It listed them all but in the wrong number order. Strange... it was like it was pulling them from a schematic.

3, Asked it to give a description of what particular pins do- in this case it was very good. In seconds it gives a greatest description. Highly useful. (See pic)

4, can it access datasheets/pdfs? Failed it's a language based AI.
Great, i will have a look. Agree with you... im trying to establish what its useful for in Electronics currently. What sort of tasks are you getting it to do? I really do think it's exceptional. I can definitely see the potential.
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