a light sensitive mobile machine....

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hi, i am interested in designing a machine that should basically move towards a source of light, stop when the light is turned off , and should be able to move in an inclined way to reach the next light source and so on..

this project is for a science competition in our university..

please feel free to mail me..

thank u..
i have a schematic of a robot what goes to the bightest light(well it suposed to do it). If you want i could upload it...

and also could you be more speciffic about those lights... is the room dark, what light is it(flashlight,candle,etc)how many lightsources are there, what is the arena like and so on.
well , let me tell you more about the event. we have a board on which there are a number of 60 watt light bulbs..these bulbs are fixed just above the board like a small projection above the board in a haphazard line.The room is indeed very dark. your machine is initially placed at the starting line.then , the first light turns on.. there is a small marked (semicircular kind of) region around the first bulb which our machine has to enter. Then this bulb turns off and the next bulb turns on.similarly our machine has to move throughout the whole board and reach the end point.also , no external power suply is allowed but i am guessing that we can use batteries inside our machine.so well that is the game... so any ideas????

thank u!!!
well , let me tell you more about the event. we have a board on which there are a number of 60 watt light bulbs..these bulbs are fixed just above the board like a small projection above the board in a haphazard line.The room is indeed very dark. your machine is initially placed at the starting line.then , the first light turns on.. there is a small marked (semicircular kind of) region around the first bulb which our machine has to enter. Then this bulb turns off and the next bulb turns on.similarly our machine has to move throughout the whole board and reach the end point.also , no external power suply is allowed but i am guessing that we can use batteries inside our machine.so well that is the game... so any ideas????

thank u!!!
well... it is hard to imagine a room like this but hmm... :roll: let me think.
acctually could you draw the arena? it can be done in paint if you like.

right now i'm thinking that this could be done with a beab robot acctually...
but i can tell more speciffic when i see the arena :wink:
i tried but supposedly the .bmp attachment is not allowed.anyway , lemme try 2 explain again.u hav a huge rectangular grid divided into many small rectangles. at the cornes of these small rectangles there r bulbs placed. there is a small area marked around the bulbs which our machine has 2 enter. after it does so , the light turns off and the next bulb which is diagonally opposite 2 this bulb lights up.so next we hav to go there. in this way , we hav to reach the end of the grid.
u can go to this website called "www.engineer2005.org" and check out the article on "automata". it is very clearly explained there.
let me know if u hav any ideas
Well in that cace this is an easy mission...


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