A little POV with a 18f1220 and hot glue LOL

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hi Burt,
I have seen slip rings made using a standard 0.25inch jack plug and socket.

Sorry to hear about your sad news.

No but I'm looking for that now Thanks ericgibbs

Atom I'll post the 12f508 setup today


That's the hex for it the code in basic simple
for a pic 12f508
@ movwf OSCCAL
lowO var GPIO.5
highO var GPIO.2
TRISIO =%00000000
GPIO =%00000000
while 1==1 
         HIGH lowO
         low highO
      pause 1
         low lowO
          high highO
      pause 1


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Went to the Electronics toy store (SURPLUSGIZIMO>COM)
boy have they got STUFF!
found the 2mm power jacks,1/2 the price I paid for them, 20 pin male and female headers, lots of cool stuff. If building a robot this is the place.
inquired about the Mosfet H bridge I have on my CRITTER RIDDER (Mosfet getting hot). bought some 470 ohm resistors but salesman questioned the H bridge setup. he suggested using just a transistor. Might give it an experiment when I get back but think Audio guru knows best hopefully. Hasn't steered me wrong yet. Going to add the 470 ohm resistors as prescribed.
could save some $$$ if just a transistor will work but then what is the db difference. Sound pressure I think?
just a transistor
Probably a good idea
fet are voltage controlled and if you don't turn them on they act as a resistor so if it not all the way on and pulling a load
it's going to get hot so the old put a 1k ohm to base like a 2n3904 doesn't work
Sorry to hear about your news fella

This is very interesting project could use this one day

Well it started as this

But It's all part of a bigger picture LOL
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Not meaning to hi jack thread but in need of more advice

here is the H bridge I have
the top two Mosfets get warm after about 15 miniutes.
not allowed as this is going under a car hood - no chance of fire allowed.
any suggestions?
present suggestion is to replace the 1k resistors with 330 (going to use a 470 in parallel with the 1206-1k smd resistor on the board)
reason for diodes across mosfets?

found this schematic but no being at one with mosfets, why the diodes?
maybe prevent a warming effect?
**broken link removed**
And some one said that will work no way it's going to get hot when them bottom fet's go high. And you don't need all that to
drive a piezoelectric speaker. here **broken link removed**
borrowed computer, can't open a pdf. no adobe installed.
gonna have to wait until I get home.
am beginning to think the "amp" is over engineered.Works great but can't be getting hot.
MrDeb why can't you see simple

Think about this a amp it's little power turning on bigger power


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I get 14mA tops lol : (with use of button to test different delay times. Max of 10*10 Cycles (100 cycles in 10 Cycle increments)

/* *****************************************************************************
;                                                                             *
;    Filename:                     				                              *
;    Date:                                         	                          *
;    File Version: 001                                                        *
;                                                                             *
;    Author:   Jason Lopez                                                    *
;    Company:  AtomSoft                                                       *
;                                                                             *
;***************************************************************************** */

#include <p18f2525.h>
#include <delays.h>
#include <string.h>

#pragma config WDT = OFF, LVP = OFF, OSC = INTIO67, XINST = OFF

void main(void);
#define lowO LATCbits.LATC4
#define highO LATCbits.LATC5

#define Btn PORTBbits.RB0
void main(void){
	char time = 1;
	OSCCON = 0x72;      			//8MHz clock
	while(!OSCCONbits.IOFS);		//wait for osc stable

	ADCON1 = 0x0F;			//Digital Pins (we dont need ADC)

	TRISA = TRISB = TRISC = 0x00;	//All Outputs
	LATA = LATB = LATC = 0x00;		//All Low
	TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 1;

        lowO = 1;
        highO = 0;

        lowO = 0;
	highO = 1;

			if(time > 10) time = 1;
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I got 15ma could get more by raising the voltage could push it to maybe 100ma @24volts ac maybe as much as 144ma

Also i was tinkling a iron core to wrap the pick up coil would work better
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An iron core would add too much weight.
I interpret from reading the links to this wireless voltage transfer that an iron core would be going in the wrong direction.
On the amp, I started out with the schematic you posted but used a base resistor and 8 ohm speaker.
As I understand it, the piezo tweeter has no impedence so the schematic you posed won't work. WHY ??
I just followed Audiogurus advice. Found several circuits using a piezo device and an H bridge to boost the peak to peak voltage.
for get the speaker use your piezoelectric tweeter with a 120 ohm 1/2 watt resistor like i drawled it then try it at 12 volts with a 120 ohm resistor 1 watt see what happens


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