A little POV with a 18f1220 and hot glue LOL

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Got 35mA using 2 coils . Main is 22awg (30 turns) and and second is 22awg(15 turns)

Added a bridge rectifier and i get 1v if Coils are on top of each other no space. about 1 inch away i get 75mV
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20 ma should be enought? now increase the voltage.
still think increasing the outside powered coils number of windings should increase the voltage.
go with 100 on outside coil and I like the two coil idea.
pretty soon if you add more coils you could power your home? lol
Brooklyn, NY has a massive power outtage but AtomSoft comes to the rescue using space age electronics and some wire coils provides enought powe for the entire city.
note the power provided was derived by a large wire coil wraped around the empire state building then using inductive power technology caused power to be restored to Brooklyn, NY.
lol got it in envelope. I need a address. lol

Hey i get 1.8v on coil 2 about 1in apart.

So i need to make a HBRIDGE to control 12v-24v correct?
Sorry about the nasty(The breadboard has tons of flux. I use this board to solder headers and stuff. It hold it in place for me so i dont get burned) looking pictures... This is still only 5v from pic... (ill try 12v later)

I used a PILL/MEDICINE bottle to wind it heh:



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Sorry about the nasty(The breadboard has tons of flux. I use this board to solder headers and stuff. It hold it in place for me so i dont get burned)
I have a little one I use for that to it no longer usable for any thing else

Looks like your getting some where now
Heh i have like 2 little ones and never ever use em heh... I should have thought of that ... I have only 3 breadboards that size (as in picture). I need to order more. Im so broke tho heh damn economy!!!!!
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can't tell but wht range do you have your meter set to?
1.5 what? ma or volts?
that wire for your coils is pretty big.
If you look at and read the links I think they are using smaller wire.
Try 100 turns of 22g wire for powered coil and 15 turns for the inner coil.The inner coil I think needs to be smaller in diameter. At least thats what I gather from looking at the various videos
Also try just changing the capacitors. could be the coil is not "tuned" to the correct frequency.
Gadds I wish I was home to experiment with this. Looks like it could be fun.
Thinking you need two meters, read the current draw as well as voltage at same time.
There are several factors involved.
things to consider

Atomsofts secondary coil seems to large. looking at the link
Wireless Power
the secondary coil is much smaller.
they used 40 ft of wire for the coils.
make the 555 output adjustable then change the frequency for max output on secondary coil.
A joule thief might be considered as the link shows 6.3v on primary and 5v secondary.
I think if the primary voltage was say 12v then 5v on secondary w/o a joule thief should be possible?
Can't wait to get home and play with this. Along with some noise level experiments.
i dont have 40 feet lol. I have to work with what i have. Also im using a PIC not 555 to do it. I just need to make a H Bridge.. But no power transistors avail. Im not sure how much current will be played with here
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