A new Challenge friends..

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Hello everyone !!

Friend I have come to a problem and need your help to solve it.

I have circuit with information in my attachment..

I have 2 timers and one relay to switch ON/OFF my tube light.

The timer 1 in my circuit shows that its used pins remains high for 30 minutes. and after 30 minute it becomes low.

and in timer 2 it's used pins stay low for 5 minutes and high for 10 minutes and this process repeats... by indication via led..

I have connected the timer 2 with my relay circuit..

But I also want to connect my timer 1 circuit to this relay circuit so that it switches the relay...

I know this is not useful question but I hope we all will learn something new from it...

Once again !

First as I power this circuit , the timer 1 will be high for 30 minute and the relay will energize.But with timer 1 the timer 2 will start to run...
First It will stay low for 5 minutes but as the 5 minute passes it will be high for 10 minutes so the relay will be energize....


-->If timer 1 stays high + timer 2 stays high for 10 minute = energize relay ( turn on the led)
--> if timer 1 stays high + timer 2 stays low for 5 minute = de-energize replay (turn off the led)
--> If timer 1 becomes low after 30 minutes + timer 2 will keep on repeating it process = de-energize relay for 5 minutes and after 5 minutes energize
relay for 10 minutes..

Friends I dont want timer circuit and I dont want to add another relay..

You can use any IC or other components except relay...

So friends this is the challenge for us ... how do we arrange this.....

Thanks in advance..
Hoping for help.



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First as I power this circuit , the timer 1 will be high for 30 minute and the relay will energize.
if timer 1 stays high + timer 2 stays low for 5 minute = de-energize relay
Those two requirements don't seem mutually consistent.
Friends I dont want timer circuit
Then how is it supposed to work?
What are you trying to do exactly? Try stram lining your thoughts, most likely there is a simpler way of doing this.
Hi dragon I want same as mentioned above and you are telling that there is a simpler way of doing this.

SO please kindly show your solution.


If that is what you want then what is the purpose of having timer 1? It doesn't matter weather it is high or low, timer 2 will continue to function as it normally would.

While this may not be what you wanted to hear, this can be done very easily using a 555 timer driving a relay. That is the absolute simplest way of doing it, and would be consistent and reliable.
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