a newbie............. got stuck somewhere

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New Member
hello to all,
i am anand, a newbie who got stuck some where, while learning programming PIC16F84. Actually for programming PICs i developed the ckt while refering to website http://www.geocities.com/tjacodesign/ i succeeded in buildin the ckt. but today when i tried to download the software to write my first prgram on the PIC 16f84, i got shocked as the webpage i was referring has been de-activated by yahoo. so could anyone help me out.......how i could proceed........

Anand Jain


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well comparing the circuit to my first programmer i built, that ckt would be compatible with IC-Prog.


Are you running windows XP or windows 2000? if yes you need to also download the driver for the serial port.

I am currently using a programmer from www.winpicprog.co.uk written by Nigel here in the forums.

note: come on guys help this newbie out, we all had to start somewhere right???
ive never visited that site before. if i had, i would have had saved the web page.

why dont u try out nigel's software and the programmer at his site. its easy to use and easy to build. im also building it, just waiting to get my hands on the PCB. winpicprog supports a great number of PICs and there is excellent support for it on Nigel's site. there are also great tutorials for the PIC on the site written by Nigel

go to http://www.winpicprog.co.uk
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