Mike - K8LH
Well-Known Member
Anyone want to take a peek at example code to implement a 'packed' font array (table)? I borrowed the idea from a Gentleman over on the PicBasicPro forum.
My old 96 character 5x7 font table used 5 words of program memory to store 5 (7-bit) bytes of pattern data for each character and the entire table used 480 words of program memory. My new table packs two 7-bit patterns in each 14-bit memory word and uses three words per character for a total of 288 words of program memory.
This is a demo program for a 16F1823 and a Nokia 5110 display written in BoostC. I haven't tested it on hardware yet but it simulates ok. It's reasonably tight code (452 words total) but it's also pretty rude-n'-crude with only the simplest functions to write commands, data, ascii characters, and ascii strings to the display. I haven't even had a chance to add a clear-screen function.
If I have time I'll try to make an XC8 version of the program.
Cheerful regards, Mike
My old 96 character 5x7 font table used 5 words of program memory to store 5 (7-bit) bytes of pattern data for each character and the entire table used 480 words of program memory. My new table packs two 7-bit patterns in each 14-bit memory word and uses three words per character for a total of 288 words of program memory.
This is a demo program for a 16F1823 and a Nokia 5110 display written in BoostC. I haven't tested it on hardware yet but it simulates ok. It's reasonably tight code (452 words total) but it's also pretty rude-n'-crude with only the simplest functions to write commands, data, ascii characters, and ascii strings to the display. I haven't even had a chance to add a clear-screen function.
If I have time I'll try to make an XC8 version of the program.
Cheerful regards, Mike
* *
* Project: Nokia 5110 16F1823 Demo *
* Source: Nokia_5110_16F1823_Demo.c *
* Author: Mike McLaren, K8LH *
* (C)2013: Micro Application Consultants *
* Date: 29-Nov-2013, Revised: 18-May-2018 *
* *
* First experiment driving a Nokia 5110 LCD display. revised *
* to use a packed 14-bit 'word' size font table/array. *
* *
* *
* IDE: MPLAB 8.84 (tabs = 4) *
* Lang: SourceBoost BoostC v7.05, Lite/Free version *
* *
#include <system.h>
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 8000000 // 8 MHz INTOSC
* function prototypes *
* typedef and defines *
#define rst porta.0 // RA0 = 5110 'reset'
#define dat porta.1 // RA1 = 5110 'din'
#define clk porta.2 // RA2 = 5110 'clk'
#define ce portc.0 // RC0 = 5110 'ce'
#define dc portc.1 // RC1 = 5110 'dc'
* variables and the Nokia 5110 packed 5x7 font array *
#pragma DATA 1024, // packed 96 character 5x7 font array
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 20 ' '
0x0000, 0x2F80, 0x0000, // 21 '!'
0x0007, 0x0007, 0x0000, // 22 '"'
0x0A7F, 0x0A7F, 0x0A00, // 23 '#'
0x122A, 0x3FAA, 0x0900, // 24 '$'
0x1193, 0x0464, 0x3100, // 25 '%'
0x1B49, 0x2AA2, 0x2800, // 26 '&'
0x0005, 0x0180, 0x0000, // 27 '''
0x001C, 0x1141, 0x0000, // 28 '(' fixed
0x0041, 0x111C, 0x0000, // 29 ')' fixed
0x0A08, 0x1F08, 0x0A00, // 2A '*'
0x0408, 0x1F08, 0x0400, // 2B '+'
0x0050, 0x1800, 0x0000, // 2C ','
0x0408, 0x0408, 0x0400, // 2D '-'
0x0060, 0x3000, 0x0000, // 2E '.' fixed
0x1010, 0x0404, 0x0100, // 2F '/'
0x1F51, 0x24C5, 0x1F00, // 30 '0'
0x0042, 0x3FC0, 0x0000, // 31 '1'
0x2161, 0x28C9, 0x2300, // 32 '2'
0x10C1, 0x22CB, 0x1880, // 33 '3'
0x0C14, 0x097F, 0x0800, // 34 '4'
0x13C5, 0x22C5, 0x1C80, // 35 '5'
0x1E4A, 0x24C9, 0x1800, // 36 '6'
0x00F1, 0x0485, 0x0180, // 37 '7'
0x1B49, 0x24C9, 0x1B00, // 38 '8'
0x0349, 0x24A9, 0x0F00, // 39 '9'
0x0036, 0x1B00, 0x0000, // 3A ':'
0x0056, 0x1B00, 0x0000, // 3B ';'
0x0414, 0x1141, 0x0000, // 3C '<'
0x0A14, 0x0A14, 0x0A00, // 3D '='
0x0041, 0x1114, 0x0400, // 3E '>'
0x0101, 0x2889, 0x0300, // 3F '?'
0x1949, 0x3CC1, 0x1F00, // 40 '@'
0x3F11, 0x0891, 0x3F00, // 41 'A'
0x3FC9, 0x24C9, 0x1B00, // 42 'B'
0x1F41, 0x20C1, 0x1100, // 43 'C'
0x3FC1, 0x20A2, 0x0E00, // 44 'D'
0x3FC9, 0x24C9, 0x2080, // 45 'E'
0x3F89, 0x0489, 0x0080, // 46 'F'
0x1F41, 0x24C9, 0x3D00, // 47 'G'
0x3F88, 0x0408, 0x3F80, // 48 'H'
0x0041, 0x3FC1, 0x0000, // 49 'I'
0x1040, 0x20BF, 0x0080, // 4A 'J'
0x3F88, 0x0A22, 0x2080, // 4B 'K'
0x3FC0, 0x2040, 0x2000, // 4C 'L'
0x3F82, 0x0602, 0x3F80, // 4D 'M'
0x3F84, 0x0410, 0x3F80, // 4E 'N'
0x1F41, 0x20C1, 0x1F00, // 4F 'O'
0x3F89, 0x0489, 0x0300, // 50 'P'
0x1F41, 0x28A1, 0x2F00, // 51 'Q'
0x3F89, 0x0CA9, 0x2300, // 52 'R'
0x2349, 0x24C9, 0x1880, // 53 'S'
0x0081, 0x3F81, 0x0080, // 54 'T'
0x1FC0, 0x2040, 0x1F80, // 55 'U'
0x0FA0, 0x2020, 0x0F80, // 56 'V'
0x1FC0, 0x1C40, 0x1F80, // 57 'W'
0x3194, 0x0414, 0x3180, // 58 'X'
0x0388, 0x3808, 0x0380, // 59 'Y'
0x30D1, 0x24C5, 0x2180, // 5A 'Z'
0x007F, 0x20C1, 0x0000, // 5B '['
0x0104, 0x0410, 0x1000, // 5C '\'
0x0041, 0x20FF, 0x0000, // 5D ']'
0x0202, 0x0082, 0x0200, // 5E '^'
0x2040, 0x2040, 0x2000, // 5F '_'
0x0001, 0x0104, 0x0000, // 60 '`'
0x1054, 0x2A54, 0x3C00, // 61 'a'
0x3FC8, 0x2244, 0x1C00, // 62 'b'
0x1C44, 0x2244, 0x1000, // 63 'c'
0x1C44, 0x2248, 0x3F80, // 64 'd'
0x1C54, 0x2A54, 0x0C00, // 65 'e'
0x047E, 0x0481, 0x0100, // 66 'f'
0x0652, 0x2952, 0x1F00, // 67 'g'
0x3F88, 0x0204, 0x3C00, // 68 'h'
0x0044, 0x3EC0, 0x0000, // 69 'i'
0x1040, 0x223D, 0x0000, // 6A 'j'
0x3F90, 0x1444, 0x0000, // 6B 'k'
0x0041, 0x3FC0, 0x0000, // 6C 'l'
0x3E04, 0x0C04, 0x3E00, // 6D 'm' ????
0x3E08, 0x0204, 0x3E00, // 6E 'n' ????
0x1C44, 0x2244, 0x1C00, // 6F 'o'
0x3E14, 0x0A14, 0x0400, // 70 'p'
0x0414, 0x0A18, 0x3E00, // 71 'q'
0x3E08, 0x0204, 0x0400, // 72 'r'
0x2454, 0x2A54, 0x1000, // 73 's'
0x023F, 0x2240, 0x1000, // 74 't'
0x1E40, 0x2020, 0x3E00, // 75 'u'
0x0E20, 0x2020, 0x0E00, // 76 'v'
0x1E40, 0x1840, 0x1E00, // 77 'w'
0x2228, 0x0828, 0x2200, // 78 'x'
0x0650, 0x2850, 0x1E00, // 79 'y'
0x2264, 0x2A4C, 0x2200, // 7A 'z'
0x0008, 0x1B41, 0x0000, // 7B '{'
0x0000, 0x3F80, 0x0000, // 7C '|'
0x0041, 0x1B08, 0x0000, // 7D '}'
0x0808, 0x0410, 0x0400, // 7E '~'
0x3C46, 0x20C6, 0x3C00 // 7F ' '
* functions *
void putlcd(char data) //
{ unsigned char n = 8; //
ce = 0; // spi enable
do //
{ clk = 0; dat = 0; //
if(data.7) dat = 1; //
clk = 1; data <<= 1; //
} while(--n); //
ce = 1; // spi enable off
} //
* *
void RdFlash() // bank 3 (inserted by compiler)
{ asm bcf _eecon1,CFGS // not 'config' memory |03
asm bsf _eecon1,EEPGD // select 'program' memory |03
asm bsf _eecon1,RD // initiate read operation |03
asm nop // required nop |03
asm nop // " |03
asm incf _eeadrl,F // bump EEADR |03
asm btfsc _status,Z // " |03
asm incf _eeadrh,F // " |03
asm rlf _eedatl,W // move b7 into Carry |03
asm rlf _eedath,W // wreg = the 7 bit hi byte |03
asm bcf _eedatl,7 // eedatl = the 7 bit lo byte |03
} //
* *
void WrChar(char ascii) // WrChar() for packed 5x7 font
{ asm movf _ascii,W // ascii char value, 32..127 |00
asm addlw -32 // minus table offset |00
asm movwf _ascii // font array index, 0..95 |00
/* *
* multiply index by 3 (0..95 -> 0..285), add table base address, *
* and stuff the result in the EEADR register pair. *
* */
asm lslf _wreg,W // wreg = (ascii-32)*2 |00
asm addwf _ascii,W // wreg = (ascii-32)*3 |00
// asm movlb 3 // bank 3 (inserted by compiler) |03
asm movwf _eeadrl // flash address lo |03
asm movlw 1024/256 // table address hi |03
asm btfsc _status,C // overflow? no, skip, else |03
asm addlw 1 // bump value |03
asm movwf _eeadrh // flash address hi |03
/* *
* read 3 words (6 bytes) of font pattern data from the packed *
* 5x7 font array and write them to the Nokia 5110 LCD. *
* */
for(char i=0; i<3; i++) //
{ RdFlash(); // read one word (2 bytes)
putlcd(wreg); // send hi byte
putlcd(eedatl); // send lo byte
} //
} //
* *
void WrChar(rom char *data) // overload function for strings
{ char ndx = 0; //
while(data[ndx++]) // while not end-of-string
WrChar(wreg); //
} //
* main init *
void main()
{ ansela = 0; // adc off for digital I/O
anselc = 0; // "
trisa = 0; // porta all outputs except RA3/MCLR
trisc = 0; // portc all outputs
ce = 1; // 5110 'ce' off
rst = 1; // 5110 'rst' off
osccon = 0b01110000; // set INTOSC to 8 MHz
/* *
* initialize Nokia 5110 LCD display *
* */
delay_ms(30); //
rst = 0; // 5110 'reset' pulse
rst = 1; //
dc = 0; // command mode
putlcd(0x20+0x01); // function set: extended instructions
putlcd(0x80+0x48); // set Vop (contrast), 0..127
putlcd(0x04+0x02); // set temperature coefficient, 0..3
putlcd(0x10+0x03); // Set bias system, 0..7
putlcd(0x20+0x00); // function set: standard instructions
putlcd(0x08+0x04); // display control: normal mode
putlcd(0x80+0x20); // set DDRAM X address, 0..83
putlcd(0x40+0x02); // set DDRAM Y address, 0..5
dc = 1; // data mode
WrChar("Hello"); // test string overload function
* main loop *
while(1) //
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