a quick question related to AT command syntax

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i am tryin out SMS control using a PIC. Attached is the communication results from Hyperterminal during the sending of an SMS via AT+CMGS.

What I anticipate to receive after +CMGS:0 are the bytes

Hence, in my program code, I am anticipating the character 'K' followed by bytes 0x0D and 0x0A but my program seems to be stuck somewhere in the receiving of bytes. (This only happens during the CMGS response) Using a debugger, I realize that I do not even receive the 'K'.

Am I right in what to expect as the response? If it helps I'm using a Wavecom modem but I believe the syntax should be standardized across most modems.
hi eric

thanks for the much appreciated reply.

I have actually found out that it was a modem related issue and my code expecting the AT command syntax was correct.

Thanks again!
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