I respect your opinion but I specify in detail (for ISO audit trails on critical life-safety manufacturing) and buy equipment for professional 24/7 use and I've never and I mean never had a problem with Fluke quality or service. Maybe I'm just lucky.
I was bit intrigued to see a ceramic fuse being used for the low current range, but a bit of googling indicates that they are likely "high rupture current" (HRC) fuses, which won't shatter explosively even if they get massively overloaded.
None of that really applies to a fuse in a TV, and to be fair actually applies to very little in practice.
Interestingly fuses in microwave ovens are normally ceramic, and I've seen far more of those disintegrate spectacularly than you ever see glass fuses doing so.
In any case, a good lightning strike nearby makes the point rather meaningless, as it's common for the fuse, fuseholder, and large pieces of PCB to disappear completely