Hey, I'm doing a project for school, and I can't find the schematics for a circuit that uses a 555 timer, an LED, and either a photogate, infrared, sound, ultrasound, moisture, or metal sensor. It can be any of those types of sensors but it needs at least one. And it will be running with a 9v power supply.
Well, the thing is the project is mostly independent aside from asking her to check over our eventual circuit diagrams. But I've been looking for something that fits what I need (with many google searches), and I have yet to find one that would be simple to solder, and has all of the part requirements that I have.
Your teacher does not bother teaching you. Instead you must find a circuit, copy it and solder it together.
Then what are you learning?? How to be a copy-cat and how to solder.
Your teacher does not bother teaching you. Instead you must find a circuit, copy it and solder it together.
Then what are you learning?? How to be a copy-cat and how to solder.
Agreed + how have you not found any information on a 555? You obviously did not look. Or you googled something like "complete 555 schematic for my homework".
you're not looking at the situation from the right angle, what i would do is look for the circuit that i need seperately, and then find a way to put them together. Then you are at least learning something. After you try that, and if you still can't get it to work then I will be happy to help you, BUT
you need to try. just send me a message and what you are trying to do, (be sure to include schematics) and i will tell you what you are doing wrong.