A simple circuit, leaving a newbito baffled.

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New Member

I have hassled with this since last year. I have googled over 9000 times, yet I still remain confused, and unable to find a solution myself. I guess it's prime time to seek help from others.

What I have:
Lazer; 4,5 V, 150 mA
2x motor; 1,5 V, 250-300 mA
1x motor; 1V, 50 mA (vibrator motor from nokia phones, and it might work with less)

The idea:
I made a.. Thing.. that had 3 small motors ( the phone ones) that had mirrors on them and the lazer pointed at them, which eventually reached the wall and made made pretty stuff on it..
But that was a prototype, held together with tape, and now I have decided to make a better one.
The V2 of it is held together with screws, has better mirrors (v1 had small fragments of an old hard drive disc), better motors, and looks nicer. If possible then I would like to be able to control the speed of the 2 bigger motors( to be able to create different images)

The problem:
I somehow managed to make the V1 without any resistors without burning anything out, so it only had switches and wires. That doesn't seem to be possible with the V2 that I have planned. I have read almost everything on the internet about it, but I can't make much sense of it, so I figured if someone was to show me how it's supposed be, I would understand a little more. Maybe even finish the project.

What I want:
You may try explaining what I need to do, but all the laws are sooo confusing. I will appreciate any and all posts, be they not on flames. But what I guess would help me the most, is if someone managed to show me exactly what components I need, and where to place them.
In order to suggest something, I would like to see a detailed schematic diagram of what you have now. That can become a starting point for a discussion of what needs to be improved.
I have nothing. I don't even know if and what should be connected in series or parallel. all I have are the already mentioned pieces, switches and the ability to acquire whatever I will need.

Also, I don't know how to exactly make a detailed schematic diagram.

As for the prototype, I don't think I still have it as I had to scavenge the lazer from it ( so I most likely threw what was left away), but I will see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found the picture... DON'T JUDGE ME!!! ;P
I'm quite embarrassed by it, I promise the V2 will be much nicer!! I'll even paint it!

**broken link removed**
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Heh... not a bomb. A lazer is pointed at a mirror so that it reflects onto another one and then to another one. if the motors are turned on it will create "stuff" on whatever surface the lazer light ends up on.. ( because the motors are off-balance).. don't know how to explain it better.
The phone doesn't work. It was chosen because it could hold a battery and because I could use a nokia charger to charge the battery.
I had nothing better available at that time. the charger is 5.7 V and 800 mA, the battery on the other hand is 3.7V and 1000 mA. for some reason, the latter was better...

But none of that matters. That's not the device that I need help with.
Please? All I really need is a circuit that can power a Lazers 4,5 V, 150 mA, 2 motors 1,5 V, 250 mA and 1 motor 1V, 50 mA...
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